Software development

Intro to virtual threads: A new approach to Java concurrency

However, there are some cases where a blocking operation doesn’t unmount the virtual thread from the carrier thread, blocking the underlying carrier thread. It’s not an error but a behavior that limits the application’s scalability. Note that if a carrier thread is pinned, the JVM can always add a new platform thread to the carrier pool if the configurations of the carrier pool allow it.

  • Note that the following syntax is part of structured concurrency, another new feature proposed in Project Loom.
  • As we said, both the JEPs are still in the preview/incubation step, so we must enable them in our project.
  • Overall, the heap consumption and garbage collector activity of thread-per-request versus asynchronous code should be roughly similar.
  • This method must return an object that represents the current thread of execution.
  • Pooling is not required with virtual threads because they are cheap to create and dispose of, and therefore pooling is unnecessary.
  • As a result, Java has seen a proliferation of libraries and frameworks that offer scalability while abandoning the thread as the unit of software concurrency—and, with it, the support of Java’s observability tooling.

This means that the –enable-preview flag is needed to enable virtual thread support. Virtual threads support the existing debugging and profiling interfaces, enabling easy troubleshooting, debugging, and profiling of virtual threads with existing tools and techniques. One of the most far-reaching Java 19 updates is the introduction of virtual threads. Virtual threads are part of Project Loom, and are available in Java 19 as a preview. In the beginning, we introduced the reason behind the introduction of virtual threads in the JVM. We made some examples of pinned threads, and finally, we saw how some old best practices are no longer valid when using virtual threads.

Embracing Virtual Threads

This means that allocating the thread stack for an awakened virtual thread becomes much cheaper. The process of loading a virtual thread’s data stack into the “carrier” thread stack when it gets assigned to its carrier, is called mounting. Let’s first understand the thread-per-request model and how threads work in Java.

virtual threads in java

For example, you can set the thread name prefix, whether the threads should be daemon threads, or whether they should be part of the user or system thread group. Virtual threads have the potential to improve application performance by reducing thread creation overhead and context switching overhead. Virtual threads can be compared with traditional threads and with Java’s existing Executor framework. Virtual threads are a powerful new feature in JDK 21 that allow developers to create lightweight threads that are managed by the JVM rather than the operating system.

Detailed changes

This is a perfect example of the mismatch between the reactive stack and the virtual threads. The fundamental hypothesis are completely different and result in different optimizations. Netty expects a system using few event-loops (as many event-loops as CPU cores by default in Quarkus), but it gets hundreds of thousands of threads. You can refer to this mail to get more information on how we envision our future with virtual threads.

virtual threads in java

In line #1, you can notice a ‘BACKEND_THREAD_POOL’ is created with 10 threads. This thread pool is used in the ‘queryBackend()’ method to make backend calls. This thread pool will ensure that not more than 10 concurrent calls will be made to the backend system. This degradation of performance doesn’t seem to come from virtual threads themselves but from the interactions between Vert.x/Netty and the virtual threads. This guide explains how to benefit from Java 19 virtual threads when writing REST services in Quarkus.

More about executor methods

The submit returns a Future instance that we can use to join the underlying virtual thread. Therefore, the initial memory footprint of a virtual thread tends to be very small, a few hundred bytes instead of megabytes. So, we don’t need to allocate a gazillion of memory to fit every possible use case. As we may know, the JVM gives us an abstraction of OS threads through the type java.lang.Thread. Until Project Loom, every thread in the JVM is just a little wrapper around an OS thread.

virtual threads in java

Java Virtual Threads provide a powerful new tool for concurrent programming in Java. Virtual threads are implemented on top of native threads but allow developers to write concurrent code in a way that is similar to single-threaded programming. They are managed by the JVM rather than the operating system, which allows for much greater efficiency and scalability. Virtual threads are created using the Thread.startVirtualThread() method and can be used to execute tasks that are either CPU-bound or I/O-bound.

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In such a model, when an activity needs to perform IO, it initiates an asynchronous operation which will invoke a callback when complete. The framework will invoke that callback on some thread, but not necessarily the same thread that initiated the operation. This means developers must break their logic down into alternating IO and computational steps which are stitched together into a sequential workflow. As we said at the beginning of this article, with virtual threads, it’s not the case anymore. Also, they were designed with the idea of using a different virtual thread for each request. So, it’s worthless to use a thread pool or an executor service to create virtual threads.

virtual threads in java

The following page will be an excellent guide with getting started with the gradle build system in your Java™ projects. Use this guide as a reference when using Gradle as a build system for the very first time. When you design an object-oriented system from top to bottom, sometimes the objects that represent the “domain” don’t match the objects that represent the “entities” . To solve this problem, you can use a technique called “decoupling” to separate the layers of objects.

The thread-per-request style

Virtual threads achieve this by increasing the number of tasks we can process concurrently, not by reducing latency. To make it clear, virtual threads are not faster than platform threads, they are just more efficient in how they wait and how the work gets distributed. Project Loom aims to reduce the effort of writing, maintaining, and observing high-throughput concurrent applications. It introduces virtual threads as a solution to improve performance and scalability, particularly when dealing with blocking APIs commonly found in Spring MVC applications.

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