
Choosing the Best Distribution Accounting Software

wholesale energy accounting

PCI Energy Accounting interfaces with upstream and downstream (physical, telemetered and accounting) systems, with all data versions and updates stored to preserve auditing requirements.

A. This account shall include office supplies and expenses incurred in connection with the general administration of the utility’s operations which are assignable to specific administrative or general departments and are not specifically provided for in other accounts. This includes the expenses of the various administrative and general departments, the salaries and wages of which are includible in account 920. This account shall include the cost of labor, materials used and expenses incurred not provided for in other accounts.

Market Performance

When the remaining balance, after consideration of any related tax expenses, is less than $25,000, this account shall be charged and account 411.1 or 411.2, as appropriate, credited with such balance. (1) Expenditures for preliminary surveys, plans, investigations, etc., made for the purpose of determining the feasibility of utility projects under contemplation. If construction results, this account shall be credited with the amount applicable thereto and the appropriate plant accounts shall be charged with an amount which does not exceed the expenditures which may reasonably be determined to contribute directly and immediately and without duplication to plant.

wholesale energy accounting

E. The book cost of land retired shall be credited to the appropriate land account. If the land is not used in utility service but is retained by the utility, the book cost shall be charged to account 105, Electric Plant Held for Future Use, or account 121, Nonutility Property, as appropriate. D. The equipment accounts shall include the necessary costs of testing or running a plant or parts thereof during an experimental or test period prior to such plant becoming ready for or placed in service. In the case of Nonmajor utilities, the utility shall pay the fee prescribed in part 381 of this chapter and shall furnish the Commission with full particulars of and justification for any test or experimental run extending beyond a period of 30 days. In the case of Major utilities, the utility shall furnish the Commission with full particulars of and justification for any test or experimental run extending beyond a period of 120 days for nuclear plant, and a period of 90 days for all other plant. B. Exclude from equipment accounts hand and other portable tools, which are likely to be lost or stolen or which have relatively small value (for example, $500 or less) or short life, unless the correctness of the accounting therefor as electric plant is verified by current inventories.

Global Electricity Review 2022

Balances in clearing accounts shall be substantially cleared not later than the end of the calendar year unless items held therein relate to a future period. C. The records supporting the entries to this account shall be so kept that the utility can furnish complete information as to the nature and the purpose of the survey, plans, or investigations and the nature and amounts of the several charges. C. If rate recovery of all or part of an amount included in this account is disallowed, the disallowed amount shall be charged to Account 426.5, Other Deductions, or Account 435, Extraordinary Deductions, in the year of the disallowance. B. Application to the Commission for permission to use this account shall be accompanied by a statement giving a complete explanation with respect to the items which it is proposed to include herein, the period over which, and the accounts to which it is proposed to write off the charges, and other pertinent information. A. When authorized or directed by the Commission, this account shall include extraordinary losses, which could not reasonably have been anticipated and which are not covered by insurance or other provisions, such as unforeseen damages to property.

Is energy an operating expense?

Electrical power costs are the major operating expense for many power-intensive processes, such as air separation plants.

B. When refund of any amount recorded in this account is ordered by a regulatory authority, such amount shall be changed hereto and credited to account 242, Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Liabilities. A. This account shall be credited with amounts charged to Account 449.1, Provisions for Rate Refunds, to provide for estimated refunds where the utility is collecting amounts in rates subject to refund. If employee pension or benefit plan funds are not included among the assets of the utility but are held by outside trustees, payments into such funds, or accruals therefor, shall not be included in this account. This account shall include in a separate subdivision for each class and series of bonds the face value of the actually issued and unmatured bonds which have not been retired or canceled; also the face value of such bonds issued by others the payment of which has been assumed by the utility. Amounts payable to the proprietor as just and reasonable compensation for services performed shall not be charged to this account but to appropriate operating expense or other accounts. The utility may write off capital stock expense in whole or in part by charges to account 211, Miscellaneous Paid-in Capital.


(5) Amounts charged to account 416, Costs and Expenses of Merchandising, Jobbing, and Contract Work, or to clearing accounts for current depreciation expense. E. Account 158.1 shall be credited and Account 509.1, Allowances, debited concurrent with the monthly remittance of the allowances to be charged to expense based on each month’s emissions. Account 158.3 and 158.4 wholesale accounting shall be credited and Account 509.2, Bundled Renewable Energy Credits, and Account 509.3, Unbundled Renewable Energy Credits, debited, respectively, so that the cost of the RECs to be remitted for the year is charged to expense based on each month’s usage. This may, in certain circumstances, require allocation of the cost between months on a fractional basis.

A. This account shall include in a separate subdivision for each class and series of stock all commissions and expenses incurred in connection with the original issuance and sale of capital stock, including additional capital stock of a particular class or series as well as first issues. Expenses applicable to capital stock shall not be deducted from premium on capital stock. A. This account shall be charged with all expenditures for preliminary surveys, plans, investigations, etc., made for the purpose of determining the feasibility of utility projects under contemplation.

Electricity Wholesale Markets & Planning

Still, there are reasons to believe that wind and solar may grow much faster than the conservative IEA forecast from December 2022 sets out. In Africa, Namibia (25%), Morocco (17%) and Kenya (16%) lead for wind and solar share. But elsewhere reliance on solar and wind is mostly far below the global average. Other fossil fuels–mainly oil– increased by 86 TWh, where there were some instances of gas-to-oil switching (although this datapoint is a little tentative, because of poor reporting by Middle Eastern countries which have the majority of oil generation).

wholesale energy accounting

Assets available for general corporate purposes shall not be included in this account. Further, deposits for more than one year, which are not offset by current liabilities, shall not be charged to this account but to account 128, Other Special Funds. The gain from the sale or other disposition of property included in this account which had been previously recorded in account 105, Electric Plant Held for Future Use, shall be accounted for in accordance with paragraph C of account 105.

Energy employment as a share of global employment and by energy sector, 2019

Inspecting and testing materials and supplies when not assignable to specific items. Lease or rental costs of transportation equipment used to transport fuel from the point of acquisition to the unloading point. The face amount of notes receivable discounted, sold or transferred without releasing the utility from liability as endorser thereon, shall be credited to a separate subdivision of this account and appropriate disclosure shall be made in financial statements of any contingent liability arising from such transactions. The face amount of notes receivable discounted, sold, or transferred without releasing the utility from liability as endorser thereon, shall be credited to a separate subdivision of this account and appropriate disclosure shall be made in financial statements of any contingent liability arising from such transactions. This account shall include cash advanced to officers, agents, employees, and others as petty cash or working funds. Amounts deposited with a trustee under the terms of an irrevocable trust agreement for pensions or other employees benefits shall not be included in this account.

Regional market means an organized energy market operated by a public utility, whether directly or through a contractual relationship with another entity. Nonproject property means the electric plant of a licensee which is not a part of the project property subject to a license issued by the Commission. Lease, operating means a lease of property used in utility or nonutility operations, which does not meet any of the criteria stated in General Instruction 19. Lease, capital means a lease of property used in utility or nonutility operations, which meets one or more of the criteria stated in General Instruction 19. (4) The plant control account to which the costs are charged. For application of uniform system of accounts to Class C and D public utilities and licensees, see part 104 of this chapter.

The IEA declared that “a power sector dominated by renewables provides the foundation for China’s clean energy transition.” China’s 14th Five-Year Plan and new market reforms seek to prioritise these efforts. Impactful policies like ‘Whole-County Rooftop Solar’ (see chapter 3) helped push solar to new levels in 2022. In the short term, there is a huge opportunity for solar to grow even faster. Major new solar manufacturing plants came online in China in 2022, reportedly increasing annual manufacturing capacity by 66%, which far exceeds the expectations for solar panel demand in 2023.

  • Growth in other clean electricity sources will be very helpful, if not essential, for the world to reach fully clean electricity by 2040.
  • Resources E–J do not clear at all because lower-priced resources can be used to meet demand.
  • Second, Chile’s rise in solar and wind, and how it has rapidly cut its coal use and power sector emissions.
  • This change likely reflects the slower progress in 2022 on coal phaseout, but also a newfound possibility that gas power could begin its phasedown this decade.
  • This means that South Korea needs to reduce power sector emission by 20 million tonnes of CO2 per year, starting in 2023.
  • A. The cost of maintenance chargeable to the various operating expense and clearing accounts includes labor, materials, overheads and other expenses incurred in maintenance work.

The US was the largest producer of electricity from gas at 1,695 TWh (39% of its electricity mix). This is more than three times larger than the next biggest generator Russia (479 TWh, 43% of its mix). Kuwait had the highest share of gas in the mix, with 99.9% (71 TWh) of its electricity from gas. Over the last two decades, solar generation has gradually increased to become a significant part of the global electricity mix. As a result, the share in the electricity mix has shot up from 0.01% in 2000 to 4.5% in 2022.

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