Software development

What Is Outsourcing? Outsourcing Definition

Companies that don’t have the time to scout for new talent may outsource to another company to take on the responsibility of recruitment. These recruiting services locate, vet, and interview individuals to determine if they are suitable for the positions you require filling. Outsourcing is the process of obtaining or “sourcing” goods or services from a third-party provider.

Outsourcing is considered an entrenched business practice that acts as a key to enable digital transformation. Every business hoping to increase its value proposition considers hiring an IT outsourcing service as a go-to option. Outsourcing is a strategic process of handing over a task to someone outside an organization on a project-to-project basis. In other words, a business software outsourcing and outstaffing pays the money and communicates their requirements, and the outsourced agency does the job for them. Analytic hierarchy process is a framework of BPO focused on identifying potential outsourceable information systems. Fitzgerald identify several contracting problems companies face, ranging from unclear contract formatting, to a lack of understanding of technical IT processes.


A company can also cut costs by hiring virtual assistants or freelancers because these individuals pay for their own utilities, typically work from home, and do not receive the same benefits as a full-time employee. Engineering process outsourcing is where a company enlists another company to take care of engineering services. It is a cost-effective way for companies to be able to market products faster without compromising the quality. Some of the most outsourced EPO categories include automotive, electronics, utilities, and construction.

  • Outsourcing is considered an entrenched business practice that acts as a key to enable digital transformation.
  • In addition, outsourcing enables companies to prioritize their core operations.
  • Furthermore, companies look to outsourcing providers as innovation centers.
  • Security risks can arise regarding both from physical communication and from a privacy perspective.
  • Managing different vendors in different time zones is more complicated.

Proximity also facilitates in-person interaction regularly and/or when required. Public opinion in the U.S. and other Western powers opposing outsourcing was particularly strengthened by the drastic increase in unemployment as a result of the 2007–2008 financial crisis. From 2000 to 2010, the U.S. experienced a net loss of 687,000 jobs due to outsourcing, primarily in the computers and electronics sector. Public disenchantment with outsourcing has not only stirred political responses, as seen in the 2012 U.S. presidential campaigns, but it has also made companies more reluctant to outsource or offshore jobs. Reduced security, sometimes related to lower loyalty may occur, even when ‘outsourced’ staff change their legal status but not their desk.

Communication Issues

Relocating work or services to people in nearby, often bordering regions and countries. If you’re a Gartner client you already have access to additional research and tools on your client portal. Clients receive 24/7 access to proven management and technology research, expert advice, benchmarks, diagnostics and more. Fill out the form to connect with a representative and learn more.

What is Outsourcing in IT

The MSP provider uses either the on-premise data center or a third-party data center to provide the signed services. On the other hand, outsourcing provides only a specific service that the business signs for. Company C is a car manufacturer facing increasing raw material and labor costs. Therefore, the profit margin on its manufactured goods is steadily decreasing as costs increase. The company can outsource part of its production process, e.g., the manufacturing and installing of windows in their cars.

Outsourcing models

Some companies outsource a small project to an independent contractor. Others may hire a major firm to handle all of their customer support functions. As technology improves and new businesses emerge, more and more of a company’s operations can be done outside the organization. When outsourcing IT, it’s crucial to have a clear understanding of what your goals are.

What is Outsourcing in IT

Per-user pricing tends to be preferred in environments where the typical user will have more than one device (PC, mobile phone, etc.). Just as an organization determines their preferred type of IT outsourcing vendor and service model, an organization will also need to determine their preferred pricing model. Nearshore IT outsourcing typically refers to IT services outsourced to neighboring countries . All organizations enter new relationships with the highest expectations. Unfortunately, some executives will believe that simply engaging an IT outsourcing vendor will deliver improved security and internal IT department performance. To ensure expectations come close to reality, the organization should ensure accurate communication of needs to the IT service vendor – after all, no one is obligated to deliver on unreasonable expectations.

Select a Service Provider

If you get off on the wrong foot, you’ll probably not have a great experience. To get started outsourcing, we suggest first understanding what tasks you want to outsource and take off your plate. Be careful with the information you share and make sure that if you need to share sensitive information, it should be with a company that you trust.

What is Outsourcing in IT

For example, a company may decide that it will be more efficient to hire IT developers from another firm than to bring them on as employees. The work may be outsourced to a company in the same country (sometimes called “onshoring”) or to a company in another country (sometimes called “offshoring”). Before you sign a contract with an information technology outsourcing company, you should choose a cooperation model.

You need a technical support

Discuss core competencies with the company being considered for outsourcing to ensure alignment. In this kind of outsourcing, businesses hire other companies to build parts or the entire product or project. Other types of creative process outsourcing involve content creation, graphic design, video production, and voice recording. When a company hires a photographer to take professional images of its products to be featured on a website, the business is outsourcing the creative process to that photographer.

However, the rise in offshore development has taken place in parallel with an increased awareness of the importance of usability, and the user experience, in software. Further complications arise from cultural differences, which apply even if the development is carried out by an in-house offshore team. This is essentially the outsourcing of specialized professionals to help with core business activities.

The clear & complete guide to IT outsourcing

Offshore outsourcing involves outsourcing your IT functions to a company or freelancer in a foreign country for cost savings. However, with outsourcing, the outsourced team will take over full responsibility for your business’s IT work. Work moves from employees to contractors and from high-cost areas to low-cost areas. This can benefit someone who wants to be self-employed and hurt someone who would prefer employment, just as it leads to job loss in the high-cost area and gains in the low-cost one.

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